The only parade we actually made it too was Hermes on Friday night, seen here from Don's point of view:
and mine:
It was so freezing cold and crowed and miserable (and I almost got blinded by getting hit in the eye with a pair of beads, seriously, it hurt so badly) that we watched him ride, then immediately returned to the hotel room for room service... Crabmeat Caprese Salad:
and Drunken (on Abita Turbodog, in case you were wondering) Shrimp and Grits:
Yeah, I got back from Mardi Gras, and realized that most of my pictures are of food! Not sure what that says... On this vacation, we mostly strayed towards desserts for meals. Evidenced by Saturday's breakfast:
Eclairs, baklava, and milk- and white- chocolate turtles chosen from this array:
You see?
We skipped the parade crowds:
(This was many hours before any parades were due.)
And strolled through the antique shops on Royal Street:
Where I fell in love with this antique art deco watch and realized (in enough time to justify it's purchase) that the next day was Valentine's Day:
It's now at the watch repair in Austin, since it actually didn't run...
We also headed to Canal Place shops where Don picked up his Valentine's Day thorn necklace from Mignon Faget. Close to roses, right?
At least we didn't come home with any signed guitars, tempting as they were:
After shopping, on the way back to the hotel, we caught the parade by mistake at the perfect spot - the very end where there are no crowds and the riders are unloading the last of their throws:
We wound up collecting a decent amount of stuff, including these sunglasses:
that I absolutely did not realize were toilet bowl seats.
Lots of fun. Speaking of, have you ever seen a beer drive through?
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