One of my resolutions for the new year is to get through my stack of unread books. I decided to read more, and to only buy a new book after I finish one I already have, and to only buy books off my to-read list instead of picking up whatever I see in the bookstore.
I finished Under the Greenwood Tree, and then left it for someone else to find. After I finished it, I bought The Tipping Point at the airport, and it was fascinating. One of those books that you keep annoyingly reading passages of out loud to your husband because it is just so interesting. I also cleaned out a lot of books during the move, and am only trying to keep ones that I really love and can imagine wanting to reread. The Tipping Point is a keeper.

I made an account on GoodReads.com, which is great to keep track of your books, with shelves for read, to-read, etc. and a nice rating system. For some reason I love these organizational type websites, maybe too much.
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