My husband got me to love rice pudding, but the kind we used to buy from the grocery store has eggs and other junk in it. I went on the hunt for a vegan recipe, and found this simple delicious one. Seriously, it's so easy and so good. It's the perfect creamy dessert and keeps in the fridge for several days.
Rice Pudding
¾ c. jasmine rice
1 ½ c. water
¼ tsp. salt
4 c. almond milk*
½ c. sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
dash cinnamon***
Bring salted water and rice to boil over high heat.**
Reduce to medium low, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes or
until all water absorbs.
Add milk and sugar, increase heat to medium.
Cook uncovered stirring often, for 30 minutes.
Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and cinnamon.
Serve warm, or refrigerate until cold and serve.
*I've not actually made this with almond milk, just with my regular original soymilk. I thought it was really good, I've also made it with whole cow's milk, which is hub's preference. Either way, it definitely doesn't miss the eggs that most traditional recipes call for.
**Watch it closely, as mine always boils over.
***I can't wait to try it with pumpkin pie spice for the fall!
These were the only ramekins that I could find that came with lids. Twenty bucks for ten isn't bad at all, and they are great for small leftovers. This recipe fills seven 6.8 oz. ramekins.
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