What's cooking for fall...

So, since it's just the two of us for Thanksgiving, there will be no cooking involved with the exception of a pumpkin pie over the weekend. Instead, we are going to walk over to a nearby restaurant/bar for a "traditional holiday buffet" and screening of Alice's Restaurant:

In leiu of that, here's a roundup of all the fall recipes I've tried recently (and don't forget the oyster and artichoke soup!):

Crab-meat and Parmesan Stuffed Mushrooms (adapted from here.), much easier than I expected!

Acorn Squash with Sweet Bread Crumbs (can't find recipe, but the one above was better anyway...)

And lastly, two tries for the perfect pumpkin bread: 1 and 2

Ok, I'm not a fan at all of cat pictures, no matter how cute they may be, but this little guy really cracked me up (via):

And now, I want a hamburger.

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